Setting Up Your Unity Layout To Be More Productive

Bill Rislov
3 min readMar 27, 2021


When you open up unity for the first time, you will be presented with the default layout. I find this layout to be cumbersome and not very efficient. The great thing about unity is that all the different panels are customizable and can be moved around. I will share with you the layout that I find to be the most efficient and easy to navigate.

Unity’s Default View

Now that you have seen the default view I will guide you through the steps to create a more professional layout.

  1. Moving the game view below the scene view. this will allow you to see changes in real-time from the game view. Also, add the console view next to the game view and the animator view next to the scene view. This will give you easy access to those views when needed.
Moving the Game view

2. Change the project view layout to one column. This will allow you to view more than one folder deep.

One Column Project layout

3. Now its time to adjust the size of all the windows

Changing the window size

4. Time to save the layout. you can choose any name you want. I call mine “Professional Layout”.

Saving the Layout

The Professional Layout

The Professional Layout

If you are working on a mobile app you can have the Game view and Scene view next to each other vertically instead of horizontally

Mobile Layout


If you don't know already you will at some point during your Unity coding journey, that the Unity editor does not save changes during play mode. To prevent losing changes accidentally made in play mode, I learned a simple trick from my friend Michael Hatfield. That is changing the editor tint colour during play mode. This will not affect the game or scene views. This is changed under the edit menu then preferences. See how this is done below

Changing the play mode tint

See the contrast below, notice the stark difference. This should be a good reminder that you are still in play mode and prevent you from losing any needed changes.

Editor Mode Layout
Play Mode Layout

